MAP360 —
ESG Platform

MAP360, the leading ESG SaaS platform, partnered with Halobrand® for a brand refresh. Focused on ESG goals, they needed a modular, adaptive identity and a dynamic digital experience.

Project Overview

Transforming MAP360 with Strategic Branding

MAP360 is an ESG sustainability SaaS platform that helps organizations maximize the impact of their ESG data, serving many Fortune 500 companies. To support their evolution from a startup to a market leader, we developed a strategic framework. We refined their visual identity into a flexible, modular system with a digital-first approach.




ESG - SaaS


Strategy, Branding, Activation

Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Brand Strategy
Project Challenge

The path from startup to grown up

MAP360 aimed to transition from an emerging startup to a recognized leader in ESG sustainability. We developed a comprehensive CI and digital strategy that effectively communicated their unique value proposition, enhanced their market presence, and engaged customers. We aimed to build a solid brand foundation and create an engaging digital experience supporting MAP360’s growth plans.

  • In-depth stakeholder interviews
  • Strategic workshops to define the brand’s direction
  • Brand audit to assess the current state and identify gaps
  • A competitive analysis to position MAP360
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Brand VoiceHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Brand Messaging
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Corporate DesignHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Bag Design
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding
Verbal and Visual Identity

A Unified Brand Identity

A strong, unified verbal and visual identity was crucial for MAP360 to effectively communicate their commitment to ESG goals and resonate with their target audience. We crafted a cohesive voice and visual system that highlighted transparency, sustainability, and innovation, transforming Map360’s brand experience.

  • Defined voice pillars and key messages
  • Signature phrases to reinforce brand recognition
  • Established unified type, color, and grid systems
  • Established unified type, color, and grid systems
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Voice PillarsHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Brand Design
Social Strategy

Crafting Connections that Resonate

We developed a content strategy that seamlessly integrated with the unified design language and deeply researched personas. Each step built on the previous one: from the brand refresh, we established voice pillars, key messages, and signature phrases. This structured approach ensured the social media strategy was data-driven and research-based, providing MAP360’s internal team with a clear, effective foundation to engage their audience.

Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, Social Media Content Design
Digital Transformation

SaaS Platform Re-design [UI/UX]

MAP360’s ESG SaaS Platform, the heart of their business operations, needed a complete redesign and a unified design language. Our UX analysts utilized historical data to pinpoint critical usability gaps, enabling targeted improvements. Our UI designers undertook a redesign from the ground up, creating a vastly improved user interface.

This transformation introduced an extensive design library with all UI elements and spacing guidelines, enhancing the platform’s aesthetics and functionality. The result is a system that developers can update seamlessly while maintaining design integrity, leading to significantly improved user satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Website Re-design and Webflow-Powered Development

After redesigning their SaaS platform, the next logical step was to refresh the MAP360 website to align with their evolving services and brand positioning. We delivered a complete UI, UX, and development overhaul using Webflow. The new site effectively showcases MAP360’s offerings, enhances user engagement, facilitates navigation, and attracts new leads.

As top-tier Webflow experts, we leveraged the platform’s flexibility and robust design capabilities to meet MAP360’s dynamic needs, ensuring a seamless user experience and strong online presence.

MAP360 Live Site

Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow DevelopmentHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow Development
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow DevelopmentHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow Development
Halobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow DevelopmentHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow DevelopmentHalobrand - Map360 Sustainability SaaS Branding, UI UX, Webflow Development

"Halobrand brought the strategic focus and confidence we were seeking. The clarity they provided has significantly augmented our brand image and product experience. They are organized, inspiring, and always to the point."

Ozgun Inceoglu
Özgün İnceoğlu
Co-Founder & CEO, MAP360
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